Thursday, December 15, 2011

"Farris Bueller's Day Off"

This film has many monologs where the actor talks to the camera giving advice to the viewers on how to skip school and on how to skate through high school by doing the bare minimum and have a good time. In "Farris Bueller’s day off" he is breaking through the fourth wall by inviting the audience in to his adventure. He is constantly instructing us on what he is doing in a very analytical way; however the other actors pay no attention to him when he has his insightful monologs.  It is little over the top with glamorizing deceit by manipulating every one he is around but very comical. The casting in this film was very well done I really couldn’t have seen a better actor for the part of Farris than Mathew Broderick. Also I thought it was perfect to see Charlie Sheen’s bit part in the police station for drugs, also another well casted part. I would summarize this as an obvious comedy for teens making fun of parents and teachers.
Hughes, J.  (1986). Ferris Bueller’s Day off. USA. Paramount Pictures

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