Thursday, December 15, 2011

"Princess Bride"

                "Princess Bride" was an intellectual film with action, comedy, and drama. The action sequences are very classical with the lack of intensity and gore of modern films.  The largest aspect of this film was the story which is unparallel even today. This adds more to the content of the story with in a story being told to a young boy. The torture scenes were alittle barbaric but nothing in compareson to movies today. The scene didn’t show any blood just insinuated extreme pain from a torture device and a sinister torturer, some bloodshed is in the final scene between Inigo Montoya and his father’s killer.  With a title like Princess Bride you know this will be a drama between two lovers but this movie really covers all genera’s.  Comedy with the witty one-liners and guest appearances form actors like Billy Crystal for comic relief, action with all the sword play and conflicts between lovers, And a vengeance between a boy and his father’s murder. Two stories are being told one the princess and her lover, secondly the grandfather and grandson reading a book teaching him life lessons through the story. The dialog was very impressive in this film showing the skills of the actors to make it a comedy but not come across to ridicule.
Reiner, R (1987). Princess Bride. USA.Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation

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